We LOVE restaurants. We love everything about them – the décor, the atmosphere, the luxury of being served, and most of all the food. The UK used to be a country that tourists didn’t come to for the food (or the weather!) and now London is home to one of the most exciting, highly sought-after restaurant industries in the world.

The restaurant scene in London is so vibrant that not only are we eating out every weekend, but six out of 10 Londoners eat out on weekday evenings, and are increasingly likely to eat out at lunchtime.

Within this growing market is a group of restaurants that we feel passionately about – the independents. These are the owner-managed, chef-patron establishments where one or two individuals have put their heart, soul and passion into bringing their foodie dreams to fruition. This is where we like to eat, and these are the places we want to share with you. Every single restaurant on The Restaurant Club has been visited by us or a foodie friend and we have personally connected with the owner. Together we have negotiated offers to make your dining experience even more pleasurable. But that’s not all. The Restaurant Club also acts a guide to help you discover new places. Read the write-ups, check out the reviews and decide where you want to go. And when you’ve been, please log back in and post your own review so other members and the restaurateurs can hear what you think.

We’ve compiled a really eclectic mix – dress-up places, dress-down places, take-the-family and/or the dog places, take-the-other-half places and even, because we’re optimistic, eat-outdoors places. We’ve also got some really partner offers – discounts on hair, beauty and valet parking in London, plus with a growing list of caterers. While you’re busy trying them, we are out and about trying new places and if we like them, we’ll negotiate an offer and add them to the Club.

We’re really excited to share our finds with you.


We love to hear from fellow foodies and inspiring restaurateurs. Feel free to get in touch!

Fill out the form below and one of us will get back to you as soon as we can.