11 Apr , 2016 Uncategorized


When their mother was recently diagnosed with diabetes, French sisters Hayet and Sonia Zaame decided to create a special menu for her.  And this has now led to the birth of LLS (London’s Latest Scandal), a cute little cafe just before the brow of the hill at Whitestone Pond in Hampstead.  Walking up Heath Street, your eye cannot help being drawn to the colourful cake display in the window.

Luckily for the good folk of Hampstead, their mum’s sweet tooth guaranteed that the menu they created for her included cake, but not cake as we know it… most of the baked goodies on offer here are raw and vegan, made with no eggs, butter, flour or processed sugar.

Their mother’s favourite is the strawberry tart – delicate red fruit atop light whipped coconut cream on a feathery pastry base, sweetened only with apple and dates. Despite (or perhaps because of!) eating two of these a day, Mum’s glycaemic index has happily come down.

We sampled the lemon meringue tart and did not detect that the topping did not include egg white! Other LLS favourites include a gooey chocolate tart with a coconut and sesame seed base or purple carrot cake with coconut cream icing.

Sweetened with fruit or raw coconut sugar, many of the cakes are nut heavy so are not suitable for those with nut allergies and we are not sure if, although popular, the bright green Spirulina cake will appeal to everyone.

Although the sisters’ ethos is Eat No Evil, happily it is not all ‘free from’!  We can highly recommend the sourdough toasties made with glutinous bread and stuffed with blueberry, mozzarella and basil or falafel, beetroot hummus and feta. Their Healthier Pain Perdu is also made with glutinous bread. The shakshuka is popular for breakfast and the salads in a jar layered with chicken, pearl barley, blueberries, creamy blue cheese and walnuts (The Great Chicken Salad) or quinoa, sweet potatoes, turmeric cauliflower, mixed leaves and sunflower seeds (The Golden One) are perfect for lunch on the go or at your desk.

The sisters are hoping to open soon in the evening to serve tapas and low sugar wines if they manage to get their alcohol license. LLS has brought great joy to Hayet and Sonia’s mum, the residents of NW3 and, being dog friendly, to the local pampered pooches too!

Read more about LLS Café



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